Emily You
I started fencing in 5th grade. At first, I only started fencing because I thought it looked cool and I wanted to stab people, but it turns out fencing is a lot more than looking cool and stabbing people. Fencing to me has become more than just a sport, its taught me things about myself that even I didn’t know and it has forced me to evolve as a person, not just physically. Fencing has hugely impacted my outlook on life and played a huge role in making me the person I am today. Fencing requires a certain level of mental maturity, it taught me how to persevere, control my emotions, learn new things, practice, and not only accept but grow from different experiences. Many things that you learn in fencing can also be utilized in the real world. For example, I find myself trying harder in classes at school because I’ve seen proof of hard work being rewarded in fencing. Fencing builds character, it forces you out of your comfort zone and makes you want to scream and cry, it’s a journey of improvement. In fencing, at first it might seem like it’s all about winning or losing, but it’s not. Just like in life, at the end you will inevitably perish, but that doesn’t mean you should live your life solely thinking about its end. I believe you should constantly try to become a better version of yourself, never be complacent, leave this world a better place than when you came. There’s no point in making yourself miserable, life is short, enjoy it while you can, face the challenges life presents you head on, enjoy the moments it gives you, celebrate your achievements. Don’t make excuses, embrace reality. What else can you do? Do all that’s in your power so when the results are in, you can accept them instead of regretting and beating yourself up over the past. The only option is to move on, the only choice you have is to do better, do more, practice more, hone your skills, work harder, put in the effort, evolve. That is how you live, that is how you fence!